Fixing Infrared Hot Spots on the Fujifilm GF 35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 WRThe latest video uses Lightroom Classic to correct mild infrared hot spots with the Fujifilm GF 35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 WR. These techniques could also address mild hot spots from other lenses and most raw editors. Fujifilm GF 35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 WR Hot Spot Tests Color Doesn't Exist - Spring Sale!Color Doesn’t Exist: A Practical Guide to Infrared Photography is your practical guide to the world of infrared photography. Use code FREESHIP during checkout for free shipping anywhere on the Print/eBook bundle. Print Edition shipping discounts; no code is required.
Print edition orders from June 3 to 7 will ship on June 8.
Learn infrared photography with video tutorials, photo shooting and editing guides, tips, tricks, raw editor reviews, and product reviews. Get free downloads to help you to process infrared images. Learn new techniques to simplify the complex editing workflow for color infrared images in Adobe Lightroom and other raw editors. Rob wrote the book on infrared photography, a definitive guide for photographers new to and experienced with infrared photography. Sign up for the newsletter! You can see the prior newsletters below.
Infrared Lens Database A common challenge for infrared photography is selecting lenses free from hot spots. Some resources list many lenses, some cover only specific lens mounts, some offer detailed descriptions, and some offer test shots. Finding everything in one place is hard, so I created the Infrared Lens Database. Your raw image contributions made creating profiles for hundreds of cameras possible with the Infrared Profile Pack. Let's do the same for lenses! Let's build the most...
Most Popular Cameras for Infrared Photography Here are the most popular infrared cameras from major brands, including Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, and Sony. I’ll also show the best options across sensor sizes: full-frame, APS-C, Micro Four Thirds, and medium-format. Find out which cameras photographers trust most for infrared photography. Infrared Book International Shipping Available Color Doesn’t Exist is an informative and pleasantly readable guide for the novice but...
Do I need custom profiles for infrared photography? Discover whether you need custom DCP profiles for your infrared photography workflow. I'll explore different scenarios, including shooting JPEG, infrared video, monochrome processing, and various raw editors to help you understand when custom profiles are necessary and not. Raw Editors Whether or not you need custom profiles depends on your raw editor. Check out the Raw Editors for Infrared Photography for more details. Infrared Photography...